
Final Blog Post: Technology

The black and white music video about how addicted we have become to technology really resonated with me. I agree that people around the world have become addicted to using our cell phones. We get little doses of dopamine each time we get a notification on our phones. The article said that because of this, we get addicted to our phones. And it creates a separation anxiety whenever we are separated from them. This can lead to depression or just general sadness until we become reunited with our phones again. I try not to constantly check my phone, but I end up doing so anyway. Everybody’s life is wrapped up in their phones. And this is not a good thing at all. With the Coronavirus keeping the world shut down, I predict that most people will be even more addicted to our phones because there is not much to do right now. There are some activities that we can partake in, but there are not very many. People can go for walks, ride their bike, or even swim in their pool if they have one. I

EOTO: Part 2

This Coronavirus outbreak is a depressing time for a lot of people. It can get to people pretty easily since the whole world is practically closed down. I try to keep myself positive during these times. I’ve mostly been doing school work and playing video games or watching TV. That’s what the article I read talked about. I fall into the Gen Z category since I was born in 1998. I’m not one that likes to watch the news on TV very often. I prefer to find an article or video online and read and watch about it that way. That way I can learn about what is going on in the world without reading about the unimportant news. And reading the article has shown me how much differently I consume media than my parents do. My parents fall into the Gen X category. They definitely watch cable TV for most of their news, but they also consume online content too. They don’t just take one side, they use both to get as much truthful news as possible. And my grandparents mostly intake news from cable TV, bu

EOTO Part 1: Propaganda

Propaganda- information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. Propaganda is usually used by governments of the world to advance their agenda. It can be a positive agenda or it can be negative or neutral. There are a lot of examples of propaganda in history. A huge piece of propaganda in the United States’ history was during WWII, the Rosie the Riveter poster where she says “We Can Do It!” This is an example of positive propaganda since most of the men were off at war fighting the Japanese and the Germans. The message is there to motivate women to step up and work in factories and farms and for them to have a bigger role in society during the war. The women can work as well as men mentality stuck around after the war and this started the rise of women in the workplace instead of solely being stay at home moms. Another example of propaganda was created by Disney. It was an anti-Nazi propagand

Week 14: Privacy, Online and Off

I agree that technology is a very good thing to have, but it does have some drawbacks. Some of these are stated in the TED Talks videos I had to watch. I found the videos to be very interesting. In the video where Soghoian talked about privacy from the government and criminals on your phone, he reminded me of a commercial that Apple made talking about privacy. This video clip talks about how Apple doesn’t want to invade people’s privacy. The commercial says that people have more info on their phones about themselves than they do in their own home. I believe that this is a good thing for them to advertise since so people are worried about the government listening. I am worried about it and so is my family. Speaking of the government keeping tabs on us, I do not agree with the government keeping track of where we have travelled in our cars. The example that Crump gave was about a man just driving around town, not doing anything illegal, y

Week 13: Audit Your Online Presence

I have had a social media ever since I was fairly young. My first social media account was Facebook. I got my account when I was 13 or 14. It’s not a platform that I have ever really used. Both of my parents use it fairly often though. I have some of my information on Facebook, but I do not have all of my personal info on there. I have my birthday, where I’m from, what school I go to, and things that I liked from when I was 15. I would say that I have a medium sized online footprint. I don’t have too personal of info online. Really the only thing I post is on Instagram, but I only do it once or every few months. I don’t have a personal website, but if someone looked at my Instagram and Facebook, they could get a general sense of my personality just from reading about me. I only post things that would be appropriate to talk about for kids. I don’t ever want to shoot myself in the foot when it comes to getting a future job. Just in case they check my social media. I’m also not a person

Week 12: Diffusion of Innovations: Snapchat

The invention of snapchat was completely changed the way that young people communicate with each other. It came about to be around the same time as smart phones did. The iPhone was released late 2007 to early 2008. Then Snapchat was released to the public in 2012. The article I read about Snapchat’s success said that one of the main reasons for Snapchat’s success was its adoption by high schoolers in Southern California. The creators of the app had apparently be going around Los Angeles and handing out fliers about the app. It eventually caught on and the high schoolers in LA began using it to send snaps to each other during class. The article says that they were able to use the app to send notes back and forth during class. They could get away with it so easily since the messages deleted themselves after ten seconds. I personally enjoy using snapchat because it feels like a much more informal way of communicating with other people. I also believe that there is a downside to using

Week 11: Values of Expression, Check on Government power

The United States Government was created to have checks and balances on itself so that it does not ever become tyrannical. Those checks and balances were made in the three branches of our government. It includes the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches. Through our country’s history there has been attacks on our rights given to us through our amendments to the Constitution. One that comes to mind is during the American Civil War, people weren’t allowed to speak their mind very much whatsoever. The government would arrest the press for speaking out against the government. The United States Government does have checks and balances on itself, but they do not always keep themselves accountable. There is another area that keeps the government accountable. That area would be the American people. As I stated above, the US government would arrest Americans for speaking their mind in the Civil War. You could say that they have tried to suppress the people’s voices in other times i