Week 13: Audit Your Online Presence

I have had a social media ever since I was fairly young. My first social media account was Facebook. I got my account when I was 13 or 14. It’s not a platform that I have ever really used. Both of my parents use it fairly often though. I have some of my information on Facebook, but I do not have all of my personal info on there. I have my birthday, where I’m from, what school I go to, and things that I liked from when I was 15. I would say that I have a medium sized online footprint. I don’t have too personal of info online. Really the only thing I post is on Instagram, but I only do it once or every few months. I don’t have a personal website, but if someone looked at my Instagram and Facebook, they could get a general sense of my personality just from reading about me. I only post things that would be appropriate to talk about for kids. I don’t ever want to shoot myself in the foot when it comes to getting a future job. Just in case they check my social media. I’m also not a person to curse online for no reason. I try to remain as appropriate as possible. I don’t usually give out my email to websites because I don’t use that many other than the social media sites I talked about and I play video games too, so I have an Xbox account.

When it comes to loneliness online, I believe it’s because we’ve become used to being so connected that we’re disconnected. We do have more “connections” just like the Atlantic article said. But we’re more disconnected since we aren’t face to face with people as much. I personally create better connections with people when I’m with them in person. I enjoy being in person more, but since some people are so used to just talking through a screen, they can become nervous to talk face to face. These social media sites we use won’t ever go away, so people must learn to talk to people how we used to before we started just texting each other as our only form of communication.


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