Week 11: Values of Expression, Check on Government power

The United States Government was created to have checks and balances on itself so that it does not ever become tyrannical. Those checks and balances were made in the three branches of our government. It includes the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches. Through our country’s history there has been attacks on our rights given to us through our amendments to the Constitution. One that comes to mind is during the American Civil War, people weren’t allowed to speak their mind very much whatsoever. The government would arrest the press for speaking out against the government.

The United States Government does have checks and balances on itself, but they do not always keep themselves accountable. There is another area that keeps the government accountable. That area would be the American people. As I stated above, the US government would arrest Americans for speaking their mind in the Civil War. You could say that they have tried to suppress the people’s voices in other times in history. A huge event that proves this fact is the Pentagon Papers. The Pentagon Papers in short is about the United States Military’s involvement in the Vietnam War. It is debated whether we should have been involved to begin with in the Vietnam War. The United States went into that region claiming that they were stopping the spread of communism. This was during the red scare, so the United States went into South Vietnam to battle with the North Vietnamese to keep the area as a capitalist beacon in that area of the world. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zv7bkqt/revision/2

The Pentagon Papers was the real truth about the Vietnam War. It stated the truth of the United States not winning the war. It did not matter that the United States was sending more and more troops and supplies into the war. It was not changing the outcome. It was basically a stalemate. And a stalemate just means both sides are losing because they are losing lives for practically no reason. But the Pentagon Papers were posted by the New York Times and they were suppressed by the US Government and were told they were not allowed to publish government secrets. The NYT were just revealing the truth of the war and the government did not like it. The Washington Post later came along with around 4,000 pages of the Pentagon Papers and they posted the truth of the war https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wg8kyFrxjxc. They did this to keep the government accountable. The case was eventually brought to the Supreme Court and it was ruled that the NYT and the Washington Post and every other newspaper that published info of the papers were not violating the law. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SlFv5iZPs4

I got a majority of my info from the movie “The Post”


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