Week 12: Diffusion of Innovations: Snapchat

The invention of snapchat was completely changed the way that young people communicate with each other. It came about to be around the same time as smart phones did. The iPhone was released late 2007 to early 2008. Then Snapchat was released to the public in 2012. The article I read about Snapchat’s success said that one of the main reasons for Snapchat’s success was its adoption by high schoolers in Southern California. The creators of the app had apparently be going around Los Angeles and handing out fliers about the app. It eventually caught on and the high schoolers in LA began using it to send snaps to each other during class. The article says that they were able to use the app to send notes back and forth during class. They could get away with it so easily since the messages deleted themselves after ten seconds. I personally enjoy using snapchat because it feels like a much more informal way of communicating with other people.

I also believe that there is a downside to using Snapchat as well. I feel like important conversations can be forgotten very easily even though you can text people through it. In order to save those messages, you must tap each individual one so it can save. That is a lot of work to just to save a conversation and it does not feel like it’s worth it to tap every message in a conversation to me.



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