EOTO: Part 2

This Coronavirus outbreak is a depressing time for a lot of people. It can get to people pretty easily since the whole world is practically closed down. I try to keep myself positive during these times. I’ve mostly been doing school work and playing video games or watching TV. That’s what the article I read talked about. I fall into the Gen Z category since I was born in 1998. I’m not one that likes to watch the news on TV very often. I prefer to find an article or video online and read and watch about it that way. That way I can learn about what is going on in the world without reading about the unimportant news. And reading the article has shown me how much differently I consume media than my parents do. My parents fall into the Gen X category. They definitely watch cable TV for most of their news, but they also consume online content too. They don’t just take one side, they use both to get as much truthful news as possible. And my grandparents mostly intake news from cable TV, but as the article states, they have not changed their habits very much since the outbreak started since they don’t go to many places already.


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