Week 14: Privacy, Online and Off

I agree that technology is a very good thing to have, but it does have some drawbacks. Some of these are stated in the TED Talks videos I had to watch. I found the videos to be very interesting. In the video where Soghoian talked about privacy from the government and criminals on your phone, he reminded me of a commercial that Apple made talking about privacy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Py0acqg1oKc This video clip talks about how Apple doesn’t want to invade people’s privacy. The commercial says that people have more info on their phones about themselves than they do in their own home. I believe that this is a good thing for them to advertise since so people are worried about the government listening. I am worried about it and so is my family.

Speaking of the government keeping tabs on us, I do not agree with the government keeping track of where we have travelled in our cars. The example that Crump gave was about a man just driving around town, not doing anything illegal, yet the police dept. still was keeping tabs on his whereabouts. That to me is a complete violation of privacy since he was not wanted by the police or by the government. The police should only keep tabs on people that they know are up to no good. If they believe that someone has committed a crime, this technology is very useful to track where the license plates have been. But again, I do not agree with the government tracking us. I do not like it whatsoever.


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