
Showing posts from May, 2020

Final Blog Post: Technology

The black and white music video about how addicted we have become to technology really resonated with me. I agree that people around the world have become addicted to using our cell phones. We get little doses of dopamine each time we get a notification on our phones. The article said that because of this, we get addicted to our phones. And it creates a separation anxiety whenever we are separated from them. This can lead to depression or just general sadness until we become reunited with our phones again. I try not to constantly check my phone, but I end up doing so anyway. Everybody’s life is wrapped up in their phones. And this is not a good thing at all. With the Coronavirus keeping the world shut down, I predict that most people will be even more addicted to our phones because there is not much to do right now. There are some activities that we can partake in, but there are not very many. People can go for walks, ride their bike, or even swim in their pool if they have one. I